CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy(CST) is a hands-on, whole body treatment involving gentle touch applied by trained, sensitive hands. Osteopathic physician John E. Upledger founded CST through his studies at Michigan State University as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics in the 1970s. The practice of CST promotes a state of deep relaxation that encourages the flow of cerebrospinal fluid while releasing restrictions in the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. By connecting with the physiological system called the craniosacral system, pain and distress can be alleviated. Jodi also practices Somatoemotional Release(SER), which is an adjunct of CST, helping the client to free both the mind and body from limitations of trauma. Jodi works on people of all ages, from infants to adults, with specialty training for pre- and post-natal care. She also has a special place in her heart for animals and has even provided relief to dogs, cats, and horses.
Conditions commonly treated in adults include Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome(TMJ), insomnia, stress, tension related muscle pain, migraines, sinus pain, digestion problems, chronic back and neck pain, chronic fatigue, motor coordination impairments, and emotional difficulties.
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Lymph Drainage Therapy is also a gentle, hands-on bodywork that activates the lymphatic system for circulation and stimulates the immune and parasympathetic nervous system for improved functioning. Bruno Chikly, MD, DO developed this hands-on method of lymphatic drainage.
Benefits of Lymph Drainage:
- Detoxification of the body
- Regeneration of tissue
- Anti-aging effects
- Relief of sinusitis, bronchitis, and otitis
- Relief of chronic pain
- Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
- Antispastic actions to relieve conditions such as muscle hypertonus and some forms of constipation
- Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, stress, loss of vitality and loss of memory
Energetic Healing
Jodi uses the wisdom and teachings from Reiki and Quantum Healing. Reiki is a system of natural healing that promotes deep relaxation. It helps relieve pain, reduce stress, balance emotions, enhance mental clarity and creativity, and facilitate personal healing and spiritual growth. Quantum healing asserts the body's own ability to heal and relieve ailments through the intelligence of each and every cell of our body powered by our thought system. She has also studied HUNA in Hawaii to learn the ancient Hawaiian philosophy and teachings of healing, personal growth and spiritual development. Jodi's practice is spiritually informed by the study of A Course In Miracles.
Through the integration of knowledge, Jodi uses principles of universal energy to help her clients feel revitalized and in harmony with their true nature. Jodi is attuned to and respectful of the body's signals and allows them to guide her as she engages the client in the healing modality appropriate for their needs.